Thanksgiving Dinner & 70th Anniversary Celebration!

70th Anniversary Events

Counting Our Blessings September 2020
The Kirk members are hosting several activities to keep us connected. The Fellowship Committee hosted the first Kirk O' the Valley Virtual Happy Hour. on September 19, 2020. Everyone brought their favorite drink and snack and came together on Zoom. We had about 18...

Summer Activities with Kirk Members to Maintain Our Contacts During Stay At Home Requirements
"Color and Chat" A Kirk fellowship group that meets weekly (via Zoom) to do as the title indicates.... Chat with other Kirk members while coloring. Here are some of our creations. Currently our group consists of Leanne Skipper, Pat Getzen, Su Guzzardi, Deb Hill,...

Counting Our Blessings – Celebrating School Graduations and the start of Summer
Leanne Skipper's Family Celebrations this Summer Birthday celebration got my 4 grand kids. They always celebrate together. Abby 18, Emily 16, Luke 14, Zack 10. My pride and joy. Zack's Bridging Ceremony Graduation wad different this year, but Abby and her...

Counting Our Blessings – Honoring Kirk and Family Veterans for Memorial Day
Honoring the Service of Bub Pickup According to Bub, this picture was a taken a few years ago! Honoring the Service of Bob Bassler Bob Bassler as a Private in the US Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. He was in training and also “ordered” to...

Counting Our Blessings May 3 – May 9, 2020
This week all the children in Sunday School participated in our virtual party to celebrate completing the unit "Upside Down - Jesus Changes Everything." All the kids received a goodie bag, a Jenga Game and pizza! Here is what it looked like. Sharing Pizza with...

Counting Our Blessings April 20 – April 27, 2020
Joyce Osborn and Sansa Greetings to all from my balcony. This is where we hang out these days when not teaching violin lessons virtually. Turners having fun while staying at home and safe. Our front yards have been transformed into a baseball field. Getting ready...

Counting Our Blessings (April 12 – 19, 2020)
Karen Lack: Staying at home - 2020 I am enjoying visits to our backyard from local wildlife!

Count Your Blessings (April 5 – 11, 2020)
Bob and Lynn Bassler We are walking our dog “Shadow” regularly twice a day. Usually in our neighborhood, where currently we are encountering far more neighbors out and about. Yesterday we went over to the quiet CSUN campus for a change of scene and scent. Our...