Kirk Kids Sunday School

Exciting and Engaging Sunday School Program

Kids Zone Sunday School is offered from 10:00 am – 11:15 am every Sunday.  Children start in the worship service for praise music and then are dismissed to their classes.

The theme for October is “Talent Show … Braving the stage”.  We are learning about courage and bravery.

In September our program was “TREK and adventure in trust”.  The month had a camping theme.

At the end of the worship service the children participate in the “Moment with Children” where they are invited by Pastor Tina to share with the congregation what they learned.  This is always exciting and sometimes a little crazy.

Monthly Communion is served and the children are welcome to participate in receiving the sacraments. We bring the children and their families together to strengthen the family bond with God.

We are blessed to have a dedicated team of teachers that fully engage with the children while leading them on their faith journey.

About our Program:

At the Kirk we use the Orange curriculum as a basis our children’s ministry program.  The priority of the curriculum is help children to Love God.  This is accomplished by moving kids to:

Love God by inciting wonder  **** Love life by providing discovery **** Love others by fueling passion

This curriculum focuses on one life attribute monthly and builds creative lessons/activities to guide children on their faith journey.  The program also focuses on building a faith partnership between child and family and church.

The life attributes for the 2019-2020 school year are:

August: Obedience                                                         January: Knowledge

September: Trust                                                            February: Love

October: Courage                                                            March: Forgiveness

November: Honor                                                         April: Humility

December: Joy                                                               May: Determination

We invite you to come and experience our children’s ministries and join us on this journey to help children grow in their faith.